What Is Memorial Day?
What is Memorial Day? Memorial Day is a holiday in the United States observed to honor and remember the military personnel who died in service to their country. But, what are its origins and how can you observe this holiday in a meaningful way?
Perpetual Care Cemeteries
A perpetual care cemetery offers “permanent” care of the grounds and gravesites within - they essentially guarantee that gravesites will be maintained forever. How can they guarantee a perpetual service? Find out in this article.
How to Budget for Public Monuments and Veterans Memorials
Consider these four things when budgeting for a public monument or veterans memorial.
Granite Headstone Prices
There are many different types of granite and domestic gray granite headstone prices are generally the most affordable. Premium granite colors can sometimes more than double the cost of a headstone. Basic granite headstone prices will fall in the following range.
Florence Veterans Park
The Florence Veterans Park, located in Florence, SC is hailed as one the best veterans parks in North America. The veterans memorials and sculpture in the park display a quality of design and craft seldom seen in other parks of its kind. See what makes the Florence Veterans Park special here.
How to budget for a headstone
Creating a headstone budget is the best way to assure that your loved one gets the monument they deserve. In this article, we discuss how to budget for a headstone in five simple steps, and answer other common questions about headstone prices and budgeting.
Monumental Myths
A memorial is far more than a means of marking a final resting place. It is a symbol of devotion. It is a tangible expression of the noblest of all human emotions: LOVE. It should not reflect sorrow, but rather the long years of warmth and affection.
How to Choose the Right Monument Company
A great monument company guides the client throughout the process and presents useful ideas that can elevate the design, and push the boundary of what is perceived as a headstone. We approach each project as a unique opportunity. We aim to exceed every expectation, and create something that generations will admire.
Grave Symbols and Their Meanings
Monumental ornamentation should be symbolic. It is only by imbuing stone with sentiment that we create a significant monument.
3 things to remember when planning a memorial tombstone
Over the years, we have seen first hand the positive impact of a well planned memorial tombstone. On the other hand, a poorly planned memorial tombstone may result in a permanent mistake.
Another word for gravestone & other headstone terminology
We often hear people questioning whether or not they’re using the right lingo. Should I use another word for gravestone or what should I call it?