Top 10 Headstone etching designs

Etched headstones have become very common in memorial design in recent years. Before we get into our top 10 favorite etching designs, let’s answer a few common questions about etched headstones.

What is an etched headstone?

Headstone etching is a method used to create detailed designs on granite memorials. There are two main methods: artist etching and laser etching.

An artist etching is performed by a skilled artist who puts thought into the etching and can push or pull tones to create the best results given the unique characteristics of each stone. Laser etchings use a machine to etch the details.

All of the etched headstone designs in our list are artist etchings by either Dan Garrison or Bobby Garey. We prefer the results that artist etching produces over laser etching in most applications.

What is the difference between engraved and etched headstones?

Engraved Headstones involve cutting or carving the design into the surface of the stone - several layers of the stone are removed during the process to create physical depth. This process is most often done by sandblasting. The depth of the carved line will vary depending on the stone color and the size of the letter.

Etched Headstones often have much more detail than engraved headstones. Etching involves removing a thin layer of the stone's polished surface to create a highly detailed design - black granite is the best material for this process.

Do etched headstones last?

Etched headstones are made to be durable and long-lasting. The etching process permanently removes polish from the stone which creates the image. The image will last as long as the polish lasts which should be centuries in good conditions. Most etchings will have an additional “highlight” paint layer applied which creates more contrast, helping the etching pop from the stone. While the etching is permanent, the highlight layer is not and will fade in time. Re-applying highlight to the etching is a fairly simple process and can restore the etching to a like new result.

How much do etched headstones cost?

If headstone etching appeals to you, be prepared to spend hundreds or even thousands more than a standard engraved headstone. High grade black granite is the best medium for headstone etching and this material is more expensive than most other color granites. The etching itself requires more time and skill than a traditional engraving - often taking many days to complete one design. This specialized process commonly adds $1,000 - $2,000 to the cost of the granite headstone, but can be less for smaller, simpler etchings.

Now that you know a few things about etched headstones, let’s take a look at our top 10 favorite headstone etching designs.

For this list, we took more into account than just the etching. These unique headstone designs were chosen because they practice good overall memorial design. The headstone etching in each works in harmony with other design elements to create a beautiful, thoughtful, well-balanced memorial design.

Robinson Family Memorial

This angel headstone is one of our favorite modern grave designs. The depiction of angels in heaven was designed to complement the unique shape of the tablet.

Johnny Shack Single Headstone

Johnny Shack, radio DJ and fiddle player. There is some great memorial symbolism is this custom headstone. The tower-like shape and radiating texture “broadcasts” Johnny’s unique life loud and clear.

Jessica Perry Ocean Headstone

The loss of a mother is not easy at any age. Jessica’s three “angels”, etched in the likeness of her children, watch over her. A tear drop is a portal to an underwater world. This custom headstone won numerous North American design awards.

Kingpin’s Custom Headstone

This is one cool headstone design for a young bowler. “Kingpin” is inspired by a retro bowling alley sign. Simply strike-ing!

Howard Semi Truck Headstone

Mr. Howard owned a logging company. This logging scene rests at the foot of his custom grave ledger. His semi truck headstone is precise down to the smallest detail - you can see his Mack bulldog hood ornament and his company’s “Howard Timber” logo on the side of the truck.

Bone Lighthouse Headstone

Lighthouse and ocean headstones are fairly common in our area, but this custom etched headstone for the Bone family stands out from the rest. The round shape and simple border really frame this lighthouse headstone well.

Lane Family Memorial Bench

Mountains, a bald eagle, an American flag, a memorial bench and a line from an Elvis song - this custom etched headstone has it all! We especially love the rustic borders and negative space through the memorial bench support.

Ford Modern Grave Design

This mother and unborn daughter tragically died together - their modern headstone is stylish and unique. The headstone etching depicts a motherly angel holding a baby.

Jeffords Motorcycle Headstone

Marion Jeffords was our master stone carver for decades. When he wasn’t carving stone, he was riding his Harley-Davidson. This is one of those motorcycle headstones that makes you go, “Wow, that’s cool!”.

McDowell Modern Headstone

This heavenly staircase rising from the ocean headstone etching is beautiful and simple. The shape of the headstone resembles the sails on a ship.

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Bran Oswalt

Bran is the fifth generation owner and lead designer at Brown Memorials in Florence, South Carolina. In 2011, he began practicing memorial design and serving families. His innovative designs quickly gained national acclaim, and he has since gone on to become one of the nation’s leading cemetery memorial designers.


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